We just launched an Online Store!

We now have an online store! Not for us of course, but for you. We've built up a platform that can house inventory (so that your customers can order online) and link directly into Cyltech 2. This is grossly oversimplifying the capabilities and the long term plan, but suffice it to say, we're excited about this new offering.

What does this look like?
Well for starters, it offers:

  • A great customer experience! Your customers can purchase online anytime. We get it, we've all been there, someone shows up to the store and there are a 1000 customers, the roof is on fire, and only one person to help... that’s where being able to purchase online becomes so beneficial. Customers can place their order from anywhere, on any device, at any time.
  • Slow moving stock? Sometimes, because of the issues listed above, we don't get to find out and/or tell the customer about a great deal we have for them. Now any slow moving stock or clearance items can be put online so that the customers can see them (and the discounted price).
  • Better information. Do you ever sit there and think that you could have explained the product better to the customer? Maybe if you had just that extra second? Now you do. With an online store, more detailed information, like recommended products and upsales, can be put in front of the customer. How many times have you realized that there was a part you needed when purchasing a piece of equipment?
  • Web Presence. Websites are great, but what I've found over the years is that sometimes all a business needs is a web presence. Our new online store can play that role. A web presence is a bit ambiguous of a term, but I consider it a place where your customers can find you. This might include and About Us page, how to contact the company, list of locations and products, and anything else that might be critical to helping the customer stay connected with your company.

What to remember: An online store isn't necessarily for everyone, but we think that it can be a great option and tool to help boost sales and create an exceptional customer experience.