When to run the numbers?

When should we sit down and handle some of those bookkeeping tasks? Everyday? Every other day? Once a week? I think this depends on what works in your specific scenario. Every company is different in the sense that we all have a different amount of team members, different skill sets, different obligations, etc. I'm not sure there's a best answer, but I do think that there's some good advice out there that can benefit everyone or at least some of us...

What does this look like?

  • Don't be in the extremes. We don't think it has to be done every day, but it also should not be put off for once a month or, as I heard recently, a few times a year... i.e. find somewhere in the middle
  • As a rule of thumb, make sure that you meet the deadlines. While this may give some people to much freedom to put off those entries longer than they should, if you're meeting the deadlines, then you're at least on the correct path.
  • Use the system that actually works in you business. As we stated in the beginning, each company has a different number of team members and differing skill levels. Different people will get task done in different ways and in different amounts of time. Therefore, find a system that suits the skills and abilities of your team as it currently stands and, when the time comes, adapt.
  • Plan. Bring up a calendar, "mark" down the important dates, and set a schedule that is manageable for your team.

What to remember: Again... every organization is different; therefore the best plan is the one that you'll actually use, the one that your team can actually implement, and the one that accomplishes the goals of the company. Consistency is key.